New Age Alpha is an investment management firm

90+ years of combined experience

About Us

New Age Alpha is an investment management firm based in Rye, New York. We offer diverse investment products based on our proprietary probability-driven h-factor The h-factor measures the probability a company will fail to meet market expectations caused by human behavior.
The H-Factor, previously known as the Expectation Risk Factor or ERF
investment methodology.

We apply our disciplined and systematic investment approach across all equity styles, capitalizations, regions, and fixed income. We are committed to delivering exceptional outcomes to our clients.

Our firm is owned by its partners and a European pension fund.

learn more about the team


Armen Arus

Co-Founder Chief Executive Officer

Julian Koski

Co-Founder Chief Investment Officer

Research & Investments

Konstantin Tourevski, CFA

Managing Partner Investments

Gennadiy Khayutin

Managing Partner Direct Indexing

Hugo Chang, CFA, FRM

Senior Managing Director Index Development

Carl Isernhinke

Managing Director Investments

Sales & Distribution

Gregory Brushett

Managing Director Distribution

Gerry Hoyme

Managing Director Insurance Partnerships


Saravanan Sivaguru

Senior Managing Director Technology

Charles Hamparian

Consultant Technology


Keith Kemp

Senior Managing Director Fund Operations

Michael Semack

Senior Managing Director General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer

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